
Luke: New Testament, Volume 3 is unavailable, but you can change that!

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Reflecting on this verse from the Gospel of Luke (2:11), Martin Luther declared it to be a summary of the gospel: “See here what the gospel is, namely, a joyful sermon about Christ our Savior. Whoever preaches him rightly preaches the gospel and pure joy.” Reformation commentators meditated upon the...

precisely in his obedience to the law that Jesus shows his greatest compassion. He was obedient to the law in his circumcision and presentation in the temple—these events revealed not only his parents’ obedience but also his own. And in his obedience to the law (despite the fact that he had no sin and so was exempt from the law’s requirements)—in returning home with his parents after remaining behind in the temple (Lk 2:41–52), in his regular attendance at synagogue services, even in his baptism—
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